Monday, May 18, 2009

Unavailable Until Further Notice

In my last post I talked about not taking any more sessions but thought I would be able to still do some design jobs and planning. Well, now things have changed. I am currently sitting in a hospital bed trying to keep the baby from coming too soon. We really need to make it at least 3 more weeks. When I go home from here, I will be on bed rest until the baby is born. So, with that said, I will not be able to take on any more design jobs. If I have already made arrangements with you for your project, don't worry, I'm not going to flake out on you. I will be on the couch for at least 3 weeks so I will get you taken care of. And I will be editing the photos from my last wedding. However, other than that, I am not available until further notice for any new projects.

If you want to contact me regarding weddings or sessions for the fall, please still feel free to email me. I may not be able to give you exact time frames but would definitely like to talk to you.

I look forward to resuming business in a few months and helping you out with all of your creative needs!

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